Thursday, November 11, 2010

Team 3: second installment

We worked on a collaborative poem for this week based off one photograph from Old Mesilla. Everyone wrote one line and then passed it to the next person, for a total of four stanzas, with some interesting results.

San Albino

Three crosses, count them, sit atop San Albino
and entrance Old Mesilla,
a vacant street facing walls of stone
its seasonal interests touristed away

Tres cruces catholic anchors cast into blue,
a blue refraction of distant sky poked by mountains
serene, awaiting some second coming
a buy one, get one special.

This plaza playground of Billy the Kid
and his pal Pat Garrett
where rascals rise to fame
and even bricks are historic.

Profane consumes sacred
and sacred smiles towards profane
from logs to French - now Roman
a basilica for the centuries.

Contributors: Tim, Adam, Aaron, Jeanine

1 comment:

  1. nice collaboration, and overall scene setting in this poem. Your line passing collaboration produced some interesting line breaks, and tensions.
