Thursday, November 18, 2010

Big Daddy, Part IV

Heather, Megan, Michelle and I toured the El Toro/Big Daddy Flea market. We did find fleas, and voices, and sounds, and this time in a round-robin poetry collaboration, we distilled all of these with our own structuring, tones, and inner poetic sensibilitites to come up with our project for this week.
Here's another:

Engine (Dust and Gravel)

Money for trinkets, lost items in this show

Take these, these coffee makers and see what you can get

The glass clinking - did it break?

The vendor’s inhaled breath almost stands up

His fists - ready from the discotecha beat

One person’s money, another’s knick-

Knack, clack-clack of a spatula or

para amor y los caros*

One woman sings along the ta-ta, ta-ta

This lady, her clothes look nice

it fits you, the glass looks nice in your hand, buy, buy

2-stroke engine or dentist drill in the distance

“The Mexican flag jello smells like fleas”

The last thing bat girl said before she hopped the bus

With her hot pink high heel shoes

The discotecha music accompanies her

Crunch of high heels going, going

She passes by a Ladies Poncho with Attached Hood

You can have it for $2

Humming, a light buzz again

*(love and cars)

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting word play and juxtapositions. Nice.

